The Water of Life that Enriches Yoshika Town – Takatsu River, the clearest stream in Japan

Today, I would like to introduce the “Takatsu River” that flows through our hometown, Yoshika. It is also an essential part of our “sumikawa” series products.

The Takatsu River, the clearest river in Japan
The Takatsu River is an 81-km-long river that originates in Yoshika Town, Shimane Prefecture, and flows through Tsuwano Town and Masuda City into the Sea of Japan. Its water quality has been repeatedly recognized as the “clearest river in Japan. The water of this beautiful river is protected by a rich natural environment and is the pride of our community.

From Yoshika Town to the Sea – A Story Connected by the Takatsu River
The Takatsu River starts in Yoshika Town, flows through Tsuwano Town and Masuda City, and empties into the Sea of Japan. This river is a symbol that connects regions and creates new connections across the sea. The “sumikawa” series is inspired by this river’s flow, which is why the theme of the series is “From the Takatsukawa River to the world across the sea. The Takatsu River is the water of life that connects local nature and culture to the future.

s.grace co.,Ltd
Hiroshi Sumikawa
